Ready for spring

In this house, March and not April is the cruelest month, probably because in our school district, March is the month with no holidays. Winter is over, but Spring is not yet here. For weeks, we had looked forward to our trip to Guatemala, and now the trip is over. It’s tough for the kids to play outside. Every day, it rains.

Is the situation much worse for everyone else–in nearly every part of the country, if not the world? Of course it is! My sister in Boston sleeps in a down vest and wears gloves six months of the year. Friends in Pennyslvania defrost the seats of their cars before they can sit down. And do I have to mention conditions year-round in Guatemala, bad weather or no? Enough said.

Nevertheless, the past few days have been tough. The mornings especially. The kids don’t want to get out of bed, after not wanting to go to sleep. Breakfast is a battlefield. “The cereal is too soggy, too much jam on the bread. This egg is overcooked. I hate pancakes!” Teeth are haphazardly brushed; hair combed only sort-of. My single goal becomes “Just get shoes on and let’s get out the door.” (I cringe when I realize that last sentence was said at a very high decibel-level). Yesterday, we had to run down the hill and almost missed the bus. Today, we made it, but by 7:30 in the morning, both kids already had cried.

Some days are like this, even some weeks. No “mother of the year” awards for me. No gold stars. Just our family muddling through.

Tomorrow is another day. Breathe.


2 Responses to “Ready for spring”

  1. June says:

    I think every parent can relate to those days (or weeks).
    I had an email from a parent of one of my students today who said that lately she feels as though she is doing everything wrong. “Everything” was all in capital letters. Well, if we care enough to examine all that we are doing wrong, I wrote, then we must be doing something right! Right??
    Yes, breathe and sigh. These days can be tough.
    Yet, we just went to see the movie, Race to No Where, and I can’t even begin to imagine what’s coming. Not to be a downer.

  2. Jessica says:

    Thank you, June. Much comfort to know I’m not alone.

    Re: the movie. I’ve heard about it and dread the contents and message. And yes, friends and family already say about what we are going through now, “These are the easy years!”

    At least we will have had some practice….

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