A short hiatus

Dear Friends:

I’ve decided to take a short hiatus from my blog for the next week or so, in order to be more present with my family during the Fourth of July holiday and the days following. Knowing myself as I do, I may post a few pictures, but otherwise I’m going to walk on the beach; eat hot dogs; watch fireworks; and spend time with my mom and dad, sisters and brother, and my own immediate family; without once simultaneously thinking of how I can write about the experience.

Of course, if all the cases of the waiting Guatemala900 are released, or adoptions reopen in Guatemala, I’ll dance with joy and inform you at once. Otherwise, please check my Facebook page, Mamalita: An Adoption Memoir, for links to interesting articles and short comments by yours truly.

If you live in San Diego, I’ll be reading at the Clairemont branch of the San Diego Public Library at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5. Come see me! The best part of my book tour has been connecting with other people. Maybe someday that will include you.

Warm wishes,


P.S.: The photo above is of my dear friend, Gretchen Wright, whom I met at a writing workshop in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. She and her family hosted me at their home during my reading at Prairie Lights in Iowa City, the fabulous bookstore where we are standing. Thank you again, Gretchen. xoxo

Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.
Clairemont Branch Library-San Diego Public Library
2920 Burgener Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92110


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