Posts Tagged ‘Bboy for Life’

“Bboy for Life” and a Maya Frieze

Monday, August 12th, 2013

A new documentary about Guatemala’s breakdancing subculture, BBoy for Life, will premiere in Louisville, Kentucky on September 11. You can watch the trailer here. Thank you to Sharon Smart of Mayan Families for forwarding me the link.

At this point, I’m not sure where else the film will be screened, but I’ll keep an eye out for more information and will let you know.

Also: I’m not sure if you saw this announcement about a newly discovered and beautifully preserved Maya wall sculpture, found under a pyramid in Holmul, Guatemala, in the Peten region (around Tikal). In case not, here’s an article from USA Today. And a link to information about the Holmul site, from Boston University.

