Posts Tagged ‘sibling relationships’

Reading in Boston

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Greetings, friends on the East coast!

Thanks to the determined efforts of my sister, Deanna, I will be reading from Mamalita at Borders Books on Boylston Street in Boston (how’s that for alliteration?) on Sunday, December 12 at 6 p.m. Please mark your calendars. I would love, love, love to see you there.

Securing readings at bookstores is harder than one might think, at least for an unknown, first-time memoir writer like me. But it’s worth the effort. I know that one of my favorite activities is to go to my local bookstore, Book Passage, and listen to other writers read from their work, answer questions from the audience, and talk about their process. I always leave feeling energized and inspired—“She wrote a book, and if I work hard, so can I!” I bet others feel the same way, too. Plus, what’s better than listening to someone tell a great story?

Now, at last, after decades of enjoying other people’s books and many happy hours listening to them talk about them, I’ve written one myself. And I get to read from it! Please join me at Borders on Boylston on December 12 and share the celebration.

See you then! xoxox

P.S.: You’ll recognize my sister Deanna. She’ll be sitting in the front row, beaming.
